Darksiders Iii Walkthrough

Darksiders Iii Walkthrough

After clearing the small room beside the Vulgrim location of Skeletons, destroy any bone piles and loot one of them for the Medium Lurcher Clump it drops. Inspect the item at the base of the large statue at the top of the stairs for an Invigoration Core.

Hello and welcome to the TrueAchievements walkthrough for Darksiders III. You play as the 3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse, Fury, on a mission to hunt down the Seven Deadly Sins. This guide will. Darksiders 3 Guide Apocalypse please! Guide to Darksiders 3 contains a collection of tips and a walkthrough for this addictive hack'and'slash game. You will learn how to fight successfully, develop your character, find all secrets and complete the game without any problems.

Note:Invigoration Cores are an invaluable collectible. They will add a full charge to your Nephalim’s Respite healing item.
Note: For finding the first Invigoration Core, you’ll earn the Achievement/Trophy ‘Increased Capacity’.

Exit the room via the stairs opposite the Vulgrim location. As you go up, you’ll see a Skeleton Archer ahead. There will also be a Skeleton to the left who will attempt to ambush you if you go straight for the archer, so take him out first.

Before continuing up the stairs, drop down into the pool of lava below. Kill the Lesser Fire Elemental in the lava and then make your way behind the lava waterfall here to find a small hidden room. Loot the corpse here for a Demonic Artifact.

Make your way up the main set of stairs, past where the archer had been waiting for you. At the top, you’ll find another antechamber. Immediately after entering there is a dead-end hallway to the left (it’s not going to be a dead end for long - we’ll be back here shortly for an optional boss). In the main room, there is a group of 6-7 worshipping Skeletons. Just around the corner to the right is another Skeleton Archer that will attempt to ambush you if you run straight into the room. Try to aggro him and pick him off first before dealing with the remaining Skeletons.

In the main room, you’ll see a crystal on the main wall the Skeletons had been facing. This will open a doorway opposite when activated. Before doing this however, we can fight an optional boss and some goodies. To do so, continue past the main room and up the short set of stairs across from the entrance. Destroy the pots on the left at the top to reveal a small crawlspace behind them. Follow this to the end, loot the corpse for a Sliver of Adamantine and pull the lever to open a nearby doorway.

Remember the dead-end hallway we passed on entering the main room before? There will now be an opening at the end of it with stairs leading up to an area with an optional boss – Flame Warden.

Boss: Flame Warden

The Flame Warden is a mini-boss of sorts, complete with his own health bar (boss treatment in Darsiders III’s eyes). This boss appears as a set of armor covering a humanoid made out of fire. He is equipped with a large, two handed sword which has a very large range. Similar to the Wrath fight earlier, this battle is a one-on-one melee which means our main focus should be on executing Arcane Counters. This mini-boss features a number of attacks that include:

Melee Combo The Flame Warden will perform a melee attack, or series of up to three melee attacks using his large sword. He’ll often use short delays in his attacks to trick you into dodging before unleashing an attack that will hit you, so study these melee attacks closely.
Air Cutter The Flame Warden can perform a melee attack from range which will sent a small wave of fire at you as a projectile in the same arc as his swing.
Eruption The Flame Warden will sink into the ground and then attempt to erupt from the ground below Fury, before using a melee attack.

The good news is that despite the Flame Wardens ability to completely decimate your health bar in 1-2 hits, this fight is not so difficult once you have seen all of his attacks once or twice and can dodge/counter accordingly. The Flame Warden recycles the same few behaviours throughout the fight.

The trick is to stay at close-mid range and lure him into using his melee attacks. This will disable his damaging and tricky to dodge air cutter attack. You will need to be cautious however as although he’ll use the same few melee combos over and over he will insert use short delays in his attacks to trick you into dodging early, before unleashing an attack that will hit you, so study these melee attacks closely. He’ll also use his eruption attack quite a lot, so when he sinks into the ground be prepared to immediately dash away when the flaming circle on the ground indicating his position appears.

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All of his attacks are fairly well telegraphed, so after you have seen them a few times, you should have no problem avoiding them. Once you get comfortable with those, begin to use Arcane Counters to strike back and follow up with another melee attack or two before backing off and repeating the process.

If you have Havoc form and Wrath Attacks available, this fight against the Flame Warden is a good time to make use of them. Continue to fight until his health is completely drained.

Once he is dead, loot the area. There are some pots behind the entrance that contain a Large Lurcher Clump and a corpse the Flame Warden was guarding for an Angelic Artifact. We can also loot what is left of the Flame Warden for an Essence of a Chosen.

Note: For finding the first Essence of a Chosen, you’ll earn the Achievement/Trophy ‘One of the Chosen’.

Return to the main room where the crowd of Skeletons had been worshipping earlier. Hit the glowing crystal on the wall here to open the large doorway opposite. Continue through here.

In this room, you’ll find a large bridge ahead that needs to be activated. There are glowing crystals on both the left and the right side of the bridge and we’ll need to activate both to continue. Explore the pool of lava on the right to find a corpse with a Small Lurcher Cluster. Defeat the Lesser Fire Elemental here as well when it appears.

To activate both crystals at once, look for a small raised circular platform on the left, just in front of a statue. Use flame jump on this and then melee attack the red webbing at the top of the room – this will slowly move along the webbing and activate the attached crystal. Before it does this, quickly run and jump across the stream of lava on the right to reach the second crystal and attack it once the first crystal is activated.

With both crystals activated, the drawbridge will rise, allowing you to cross.

Enter the narrow corridor at the end of the drawbridge. One of the pots on the left near the dead end will be holding a Wrath Shard. Continue to the right and dispatch the armored Skeleton and several other non-armored Skeletons waiting for you in the large room at the end.

Continue through this main room, noting the stairway on the right (we’ll be going here shortly). Head straight through the door at the far end of the room to reach a narrow ledge in an outdoor area.

Hop across the gap to the left and head back into the next doorway. Kill the Skeleton that emerges from the pile of bones on the right and the Skeleton Archer just outside the window beside him. With the enemies clear, return outside and jump to the broken section of stairs ahead to find a Small Lurcher Cluster. Head back inside again and turn to the left to find a Frenzy Shard. One of the bone pile sin this hallway also holds a Small Healing Shard.

Make your way to where we just cleared the enemies and look for a small crawlspace on the wall. Continue inside.

The larger room at the end is a small crypt area. There are piles of bones all over the floor and twelve niches (four levels of three) on both sides of the room. Smash cars video kids. There are two armored Skeletons and an Archer at ground level and two more Skeletal Archers hiding in niches higher up on either side of the room (we can flame jump up to these). The lower level’s bone piles will also see a further 7-8 Skeletons spawn. Clear the room by inching in little by little and aggroing a few enemies, backing off to fight them and then continuing.

Once the area is free of baddies, we can do a bit of exploring. The exit to the room is at ground level on the left-hand side via a hole in the ground (this is where we need to go). Before we leave however, we can explore all of the niches on each level of the room and destroy the sarcophagi in several of them for some goodies. These include:

  • At ground level, there are sarcophagi holding a Medium Lurcher Clump and a Small Lurcher Clump.
  • On the first row of raised niches, there is a Large Lurcher Clump (where the Skeletal Archer was), another Large Lurcher Clump in a sarcophagus and a Blue Soul Lurcher (which has absorbed the souls from all of your kills in this room) which you’ll want to destroy for Souls.
  • On the second level of raised niches, there are sarcophagi holding a Sliver of Adamantine and a Small Lurcher Clump.
  • On the upper level of niches at the top of the room, there are two sarcophagi holding a Large Lurcher Clump each. There is also a small cave behind one of the niches on the upper level with a Demonic Artifact.

With all the looting done, exit the room via the hole in the floor. Wade through the lava and exit via the tunnel provided. At the top, you’ll see a red object hanging from the roof. Flame Jump up to this and destroy it for a Small Lurcher Cluster. Destroy the pots in the alcove behind this for a Thorn Shard.

Head down the stairs and ignore the door on the left for now and continue up a second set of steps. At the top, loot the corpse for a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Head down the stairs and take the exit we ignored earlier to find a Vulgrim plinth. Approach this to unlock Serpent Hole: Hollows – Catacombs.

To continue, lets explore Hollows - The Catacombs.

Once the DLC has been downloaded and installed, The Keepers of the Void DLC will become accessible. It consists of several wings, each of which require one of your Hollow abilities to enter. Upon visiting Vulgrim after acquiring the Flame Hollow he’ll inform you that the Serpent Holes are under attack and that he wishes for you to help him clear them. This is your clue that the DLC is now unlocked.

Once unlocked, Vulgrim will open a new tab in the Serpent Holes menu – Limbo. From this tab, you’ll be able to travel to the Void, which is where the DLC will take place.

The Void contains four wings containing puzzles that can only be solved using one of the four Hollows Fury can obtain during the game. These areas can only be completed once you have acquired the relevant Hollow. These include:

  • Flame Hollow – After defeating Boss: Wrath (First Encounter).
  • Storm Hollow – After defeating Boss: Avarice.
  • Force Hollow – After defeating Boss: Lust.
  • Stasis Hollow – After defeating Boss: Gluttony.
Note: Although you can visit the Void at any time once you have unlocked a Hollow, you won’t be able to complete it until you have found and acquired all four of them. As such it is best to attempt the area after dispatching Gluttony so that you can complete it in a single sitting.

This Keepers of the Void DLC Guide is broken down by the following pages:

  • DLC 2 - Keepers of the Void
    • Keepers of the Void Boss Encounter Strategies

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