Evoland 2 Walkthrough

Evoland 2 Walkthrough

For Evoland: Legendary Edition on the Nintendo Switch, GameFAQs has 11 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). Evoland 2 Walkthrough - Part 1 Gameplay HD 1080p 60fps Evoland II Full walkthrough gameplay PART 2. Construction simulator 2015 free download. Escape the parking lot.

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You start the game in a very pixelated and green area, and immediately unlock.. the ability to move right? Well, follow the prompt and move to the right.
Bump into that fine looking Treasure chest to get.. the ability to move left? I can already see where this is going, but the only place you'll be going now is to the chest on the left.
Give that chest a nuzzle to unlock full 2D movement. The screen expands to reveal the way onwards blocked by another chest. I'm sure you're good at opening those by now though.
You now have Basic scrolling and a path onwards, so keep moving forwards.
You'll quickly unlock some Sounds and Smooth Scrolling before moving over the bridge.
There is a chest and another path here, but it's blocked by some small shrubs. Maybe there's a way to take care of them further down.
How convenient! A sword is JUST below the place that you need a sword to progress!
Put that sword to good use by cutting down the bush in your way. To progress, you'll be forced to unlock something else your sword can help you with, Monsters!
After taking care of the monsters, head upwards to unlock some music and Save points! If you step into the light, your game will be saved and you won't have to start from the beginning if you die!
Head right and down to unlock a more colourful display.
Wonder around for a while to find another save point and a Story.

256 Colours

Moving left from the second save point finds you another chest with 256 colours in it, doesn't this look nice?
Going up and left you'll find the ability to move freely next to an impassable black stone. Head back right and squeeze between the two rocks next to the sign.
By a save point you'll find a new enemy that looks like a Statue. You can't hurt it from the front, so flank it and attack from another angle.
Once both are dead, you can unlock the Inventory and move upwards into the overworld with lots of random battles!
Changes are while following the path you'll get forced into a turn based battle. When your bar on the right charges fully, you get to have your turn. Beat the uglies dead before they beat you dead.
Keep moving forward to unlock Mode 7 in the overworld, and into another location with some Statues. Kill the Statues like before.
Open the chest you unlocked to turn the Meadow into a Village! You also unlock some NPCs, but the adults don't seem very talkative to children.
Find this child to the West of the village to learn about an aging seed that fell down the well. Seems only logical to find and go into the well now.
At the very West edge of the village you'll find a chest that lets you enter houses. Going into some houses have chests too, which transform one house into a Shop and another into an Inn.
Once you find and enter the well, you quickly find and eat the seed and turn into an adult. Yay!
Now people are telling you things. The person blocking the way out to the East won't let you leave until you have better gear. A new sword and some armour should do nicely.
Back in the shop, the person will now talk to you, so you can buy the things you need! Not enough Gils? Looks like it's time to go grinding in the Overworld. Don't worry, it won't take long.
Once you have enough gils, buy the Long Sword and Copper Armour, then head to the right!

Leaving the Village

Upon leaving the Village, you'll be forced to open a chest that forces you into a fight. You'll see 3 monsters and a collapsed girl. Test out your new gear on the monsters and save the chick!
Once you beat the monsters, the girl will get up again and force you to help her save her town. Doesn't seem like you get much choice in this game, huh? Anyway, she introduces herself and you get to pick her name. I called her 'Sevan'.
The only way to go forward is through the cave where the crystal is. Looks like you really don't have any choice in this. Anyway, when you enter the cave Sevan will pull you over and ask for your name. I've named my hero 'Nien'.
The cave has monsters in it too, and you'll quickly find out how Sevan handles in battle. The Anwser? She doesn't. Her attack is pathetic, but she does have a healing ability that heals both of you at once. You can have her attack if you want, but I made it through most of the game having Nien attack and Sevan constantly heal.
Make your way up through the cave, you'll unlock XP and Levels, as well as a fountain which will heal and save for you.
Go right and then down to find a Switch. Should probably go stand on it, activating switches is normally a good thing.
Head back up and you'll see that the thing blocking the way up is now gone. You can now go and get the Crystal!
Uh-oh, there was a Monster guarding the Crystal, and this one doesn't look very pleasant.
After a while the boss will go the green like this, don't attack when it does. Instead, wait it out in real time (for some reason) and then take your move.
Apart from the Phantom counter, this boss isn't that hard, just keep the Heals rolling while Nien hammers it.
The Crystal activates, and all of a sudden the game breaks into the Third Dimension! Move into the light to teleport out into Edel Vale.

Edel Vale

Right outside you can quickly unlock some better music and a 3 hit health system! Not one you want to miss.
Follow the path until you find the chest with textures by the Dimensional stone. Now that you're in 3D, you can very easily step over the stone. Where they always this small?
Head back through the early game levels until you find the other Dimensional stone and move past it to continue.
Keep following the path down, if you find the HD textures and get pulled over by Sevan, you're going to right way.
In fact, just after Sevan pulls you over is the end of the map. After unlocking the 3D Overworld, make your way into the Mines.
Open the chest to unlock three paths into the mines, but you can only go up right now.
Unlock a chest up ahead to make 2 pressure plates appear. Step on both of them to make another chest accessible.
A chest blocking the way forward forces you to unlock an annoying new enemy, the Red Wizard. He appears, shoots a fireball in a line, and then disappears. More of a pain then it sounds.
Step into the room past the locked door to unlock.. Trap rooms, goodie. Kill all the enemies to get out, but also to unlock the key you needed.
Through the locked door is another forced enemy unlock, the Skeleton. Very similar to the statues from early game, you can only hit their sides. Unfortunately these has more AI which makes them a pain.
Press the nearby pressure plate so that something happens and then make your way through the maze.
Inside the maze you'll find another key for the locked door North-West of the maze.
You'll unlock pushable blocks now, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't need me to tell you to push it into the pressure pad you can't reach normally to open the door.
After a Skeleton Trap room, you unlock an endless pit to push a strangely invincible octo into.
After a pointless decision, you'll (unlock and then) come across some whirlwinds. Time your way across the ledge of prepare to get blown into those pits you unlocked.
You'll then get a light puzzle. Step on all the tiles to light them up without doubling up or stepping off.
To get the key needed for the locked door, you need to traverse through a room with spikes and whirlwinds.
Through the locked door is a save point and a chest that unlocks lava (and the way forward).
The next room is filled with an invisible maze. Some tiles are safe, but some are trap doors that open up to lava underneath when you're near. Just move slowly and feel your way through and you should be fine.
After some simple fireball puzzles you'll get locked into a big trap room. This one is filled with stuff and is kinda hard. Remember to break pots for health!
A chest on the right contains the Boss key which transforms one of the original paths into a Boss door. Conveniently, the path to the left loops back to the first room where the Boss door is. How nice!
What else to be found through a Boss door than a Boss! It's a shadow clone of you, or something.. It's never really explained.
Shadow Nien attacks by shooting 3 fireballs at you and doing a charge dash. You also can't attack him normally.
Trick him to charge into a wall, he'll get stunned and be open for your attacks.
After some hits, he starts summoning Black Bats, but you still kill him the same. The bats are mainly there so you can kill them for health.
Once you squash Shadow Nien, you'll unlock a sweet new sword! Now kids, who can name what game this sword is from?
Out of the cave you unlock 3D overworld fights, but other than that, push onwards to Sevan's town!

Aogai Village

Head East from the mines to find yourself in the Pre-rendered desert town of Aogai. Use the Save point and head up to meet Seavn's Uncle.
As you'll quickly notice, there are loading screens between areas in the town. They don't actually need to load anything either. Until you can afford the Fast DVD loader from the Expensive Merchant unlocked in the east of the town, you're stuck with these.
Talk to the guy by the Blimp, and then you get to name Sevan's Uncle! I named him 'Ate' so that the circle is now complete. 'Sevan Ate Nien', aren't I the funniest?
After some dialogue with Ate, you find out you need the two pieces of some Amulet to enter the Citadel. And to get the first one you need some Bombs. Que annoying talk quest! Talk to the first person to find out who to talk to next. Keep doing this until you find the ACTUAL person with the bombs. Oh, also Sevan left our party to go learn some magics.
This annoying quest will really make you love these loading screens. If you had the cash for the fast loader, lucky you. I might even suggest going out and grinding for it.
Once you finish the quest and get some bombs, Sevan joins back with you after learning a powerful new spell! She now has a viable option other than healing.
Head out the entrance of the village and down south into the orange forest.

The Sacred Grove

There are some rocks in the way, but luckily for us we got the bombs! Put a good bomb or two down and clear the way.
Continue to the right to find a Crystal. What do we do to new things? We whack them with our sword of course! Hit the Crystal to change back to 16bit for an interesting time puzzle.
There was a small tree blocking the way up, but now that you're back in time it's a mere sapling. You can now walk over it up ahead.
In the next area, you can't go over the Black stone, but if you switch to future, there is a small tree blocking the way. Switch to future and go down into the cave for a lava tiles puzzle. At the end you find the bow.
Come back out and switch back to the past. Equip the bow and shoot it through the fire to the sapling to BURN IT. Go back to the Future to walk over the black stone and progress.
Go to the past and walk over the sapling. Use a fire arrow to get fire into the other thing and then shoot another one to burn the sapling. Progress downwards.
Make your way to this crystal and shoot it to move left more.
Blow up this rock and go back to the Bridge. Shoot an arrow through the fire to like one of the two things needed to go into that cave.
Blow up another rock and go down to this area. Be sure to clear the grass going down from the second fire thing. Walk all the way around and set up the fire. Shoot an arrow up through both of the fires.
The talking statue that blocked us should now be gone. A Black stone forces us to be in the future to go on.
You haven't forgotten how to push have you? Because you need to push to blocks onto buttons to move on.
You'll get trapped in a nasty room, but once you clear it, half of the Amulet you need is in the chest at the end.
Make your way out and down to the Crystal that didn't activate and use it. Go forward and use the next Crystal. Move downwards and Sevan will point out that all the trees are dying.
Go back to the village and talk to Ate. The second piece is in some place north. Leave via the second exit of the town into the desert and move right and then up.

The Ruins

Straight away you unlock the ability to change characters. I personally stuck with Nien, but Sevan can use her neat magic spell in the overworld too.
In here you'll find a lot of new enemies. This is one of the more boring ones, a Spider.
Throughout this dungeon you'll 'randomly' find items that go to this screen. Most of them are completely useless and just jokes at items in other games, one item will be useful later..
Very quickly you'll find a super helpful unlock that gives you a health bar! Head up from that chest.
Just wonder around this place and fight everything you find. Not only will you eventually find your way, but you'll be swimming in cash (for that Fast DVD loader) and you won't miss the important item.
After a bit there is a treasure chest with a Minimap in it. A very useful unlock you don't want to miss.
Eventually you'll reach a path with a small off-path. There is an important save here, grab it and continue down a bit.
Once you beat all the enemies down here, I'd strongly suggest heading back to save again. That big skull on the Minimap doesn't look pleasant.
Just as you thought, that skull was a Boss, and not an easy one either. He can hit pretty hard and has pretty good health, so you won't be able to tank him. Instead you're in for a long battle of hit and run. Take only clean shots at him and protect your health.
If you're health gets too low, wait for him to summon a bunch of bats. Like normal bats, these sometimes drop Health pickups when killed.
After that long battle of back and forth, you should eventually beat him. The gate directly North of you will now be open. (Don't forget to save).
Head up to find the second and last piece of the Amulet! Conveniently you also unlock a portal directly to town.
Now that you're in town, stock up with all the Potions and Phoenix Downs you can, the next part isn't an easy one! (Also grab that Fast Dvd Player to get rid of those annoying load times).
After you stock up, head over the Ate to find out you can now enter the Black Citadel. It's completely east of the Village from the back exit.

Black Citadel

Upon entering the Citadel, you'll be immediately confronted with the evil villain of the story.
After a very short amount of dialogue you get into a battle with Zephyros. He's not the final boss for no reason, he's the toughest battle in the game. Evoland 2 walkthrough ign
He'll get bored of scratching you after a while, and then the battle will get serious. Just keep attacking with Nien and healing with Sevan.
He will not sometimes take a stance and appear covered in purple electricity. If he does, focus entirely on healing. The charged attack will do a ton of damage, and if you're not at peak health you'll likely not survive.
If someone goes down, use one of the Phoenix Downs you bought back at the town and then focus on healing. If Sevan is casting heal and Nien is using Potions you heal way more than the boss deals in that time.
No matter how hard you try though, this boss is unbeatable. If you survive long enough to see his health low, he'll just heal up. The only way to continue is to both die to him. A cutscene will then show Zephyros killing Sevan permanently.
When she dies, you obsorb her power and unlock a hidden abaility! Remember that let you transform into a Dragon? Well now you can use it! In fact, using it is the only way to deal enough damage and kill Zephyros.
If you get into a battle on the way back to town, you'll notice that the Dragon Ability really does have a long cooldown. Not months like the item said, but still not really worth waiting to use in a wild battle.
The only way you're getting to the Mana tree is by Airship, so lucky for you, Ate will lend you his when you go back to town.

Mana Tree

Fly North-East from the town to find the Mana Tree, and get ready for the REAL Final Boss.
When you enter you'll be faced with Armoured Zephyros who will tell you the story of his people.
After that gets boring, you'll start the fight. Lead him on by running one direction and then changing when he goes to attack. If you don't, you'll get trapped inbetween his hands for a face full of laser beam. Pull it off correctly however and you'll get a shot at the eye weak spots on his hands instead.
Do this until both his Hand-eyes go grey and you'll move onto the next part.
Armoured Zephyros will start spinning around the circle with a constant beam. He moves slightly faster than you, so you better run to keep away from him.
Once he stops you need to quickly run in and hit the third eyeball once.
The Pink ball will them fly out from his back, so quickly run around and hit it before it goes back in. You only have a small amount of time to do this, so if you're slow on hitting the eye, you'll probably miss the ball.
Helpful hint: The ball will fly out of Zephyros' back in the direction you hit his eye. So if you hit the eye from the side, the ball will fly out to the side so you can run to it quicker and possibly get more hits.
After beating up on the ball enough times, the armour will break and the ball will expand open to reveal that it is Zephyros himself.
This last form is somewhat easier than the previous forms, but could prove hard if you don't have much health left. He has two attacks, and his first one are three somewhat homing pink balls. Dodge them lest they hit you.
His second attack is a lot more helpful though. He will launch a slower moving Blue ball that you can hit back with good timing. This is the only way to hurt him, so you better get the timing down quickly.
His blue projectiles have some homing too, but if you don't aim them, they'll completely miss Zephyros. Be sure to line up your shot to make sure you don't waste a single Blue Ball!
After you hit him enough times, Zephyros will finally die. He'll say his final words and then explode in a beautiful blue light thing.
The Credits will roll and you'll be met with the final screen of the game, Congratulations, you beat Evoland! Thanks for reading through my guide for Evoland. If it helped you, please leave me a donation via the button on the top of the Page, it helps me out and encourages me to write more guides. Hope you enjoyed Evoland!

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