Resogun Heroes

Resogun Heroes

When the PlayStation 4 launched last year, gamers were introduced to the little indie that could: Housemarque’s Resogun. Behind AAA titles like Killzone: Shadow Fall and third-party juggernauts like Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Resogun was a pure blast of arcade energy that took the best parts of classic Defender and improved upon them considerably. It did nothing new, but it was undeniably addictive. Now, seven months later, gamers are treated to the first paid DLC pack, following in the wake of the free update that offered a surprisingly robust ship editor and local co-op. Resogun Heroes attempts to bring some fresh ideas and welcome refinements to the already excellent Resogun formula, but at a full $5, are there enough?

Jul 25, 2014  Resogun Heroes - Launch Trailer Take the battle to Avernus and blast your way through two new game modes in the Heroes expansion for the shoot 'em up RESOGUN. Resogun Heroes, the expansion for Housemarque's Resogun, is launching today on PlayStation 4, and the studio put out a trailer today to show off the new world and modes packed within it.

There are two new modes available in Resogun Heroes: Survival and Demolition, each bringing their own unique gameplay elements to the table. Survival takes the classic “save the humans” gameplay of the original Resogun and twists things up a bit. The main goal, as expected, is to rescue the humans wandering around the city. However, they’re no longer trapped in boxes, instead parachuting from the skies or being ferried around in the Keeper ships themselves. Even better is that you save them simply by collecting them, no need to deliver them to the safe location. This definitely gives the game a better flow, as the ferrying back and forth of the human captives made the original Resogun drag a little bit. But that’s not the only change: in Survival, you have one life. That’s it. You die once and you start the whole thing over. It sounds crazy, but Housemarque added some cool additions to quell the tension. One nuance is the day-to-night transition, where each phase also has cosmetic changes as it continues. It adds a nice bit of dynamic essence to the game. Also, while you only have one life, you can earn upgrades to your shield so you can take an extra hit, along with shooting power-ups and bombs. Survival is a much more frantic ResogunNoita mods. , but the more streamlined method of saving humans keeps the tedium far away.

Demolition is an enormous change from the Resogun formula. In the mode, you have no boost, no bombs, no Overdrive, and…wait for it…no guns. Your only method of attacking is through a charging wave attack (which needs recharging after use) to ricochet giant red spheres around the level, a la Arkanoid. The spheres are the only things that can provide projectile attacks (your wave attack can destroy enemies and blocks, though its range is limited). The game definitely feels slower when under the Demolition rules, but the creativity involved with the mode is actually quite fun. You can earn new power-ups as well, like an instant recharge or being able to lay a new red sphere for “extra ball” attacks. Without any direct projectile attacks, the game makes you feel even more defenseless than survival; the pacing isn’t as demanding, but there’s always a sense of adrenaline pumping when you’re blasting multiple spheres around the stage, while dodging enemies and the spheres themselves (because yes, they can hurt you too).

The two new modes are the main course, but Resogun Heroes also has some fresh music, new enemy types, an entirely new level and new trophies to collect. For $5, though, it still feels a tad steep, especially with the original Resogun currently going for $10. The new modes, however, strike a nice balance between the subtle twists (Survival) to the full-on reimagining (Demolition). Housemarque could’ve packed on a little more extra content to justify a full $5 for the DLC, but the content itself is imaginative in the right ways.

Closing Comments:

Resogun Heroes takes enough risks to be interesting, while not alienating those who’ve stuck with the game since launch. The two new modes have plenty of unique elements to be worth checking out, while still keeping your palms sweaty as you thread the needle through a swarm of ships. The Demolition mode might be slower, but the exhilarating rush of blasting through enemies with an extra ball power-up strikes the same feeling as when you tear enemies a new one with Overdrive in the original mode. Survival stays truer to the original, but the improved human rescue system does wonders for the pacing, even when you’re rushed by a fleet of ships and only have a single hit left in you. The minor inclusions like new music and trophies are respectable, though they don’t have enough of a lasting appeal to make a huge impact to the DLC. That makes the $5 price tag a tad too steep, at least for newcomers to the series. Resogun Heroes is sure to please those who got that first rush when Resogun launched with the PS4 last year. It might not be the most essential or comprehensive inclusion for the game, but it’s still great where it counts: pure, adrenaline-drenched, space-blasting fun.
Platform: PlayStation 4

    • Platforms:
    • PS4
  • Developer: Housemarque
  • Publisher:Sony Computer Entertainment
  • Release: February 17, 2015
Resogun HeroesResogun

I really can’t say enough good things about Resogun. During the launch of the PlayStation 4, Resogun debuted on PlayStation Plus with something to prove. It shoved aside the AAA powerhouses like Killzone: Shadow Fall and made a place for itself as one of the best PS4 games released yet. While its statement as a selling point for the PS4 has weakened thanks to its release on PS3 and Vita, Housemarque have continued to support their arcade gem with DLC and content updates abound. The previous DLC, Resogun Heroes, was a solid spin on some classic formulas. The final DLC, however, Resogun Defenders, is the real deal. It’s a familiar, but inventive beast that logically expands the adrenaline-pumping arcade action.

Resogun Defenders has two new modes included: Protector and Commando. Protector sticks to the tried-and-true Defender-esque arcade action, but adds a great layer of depth. You use your ship to defend a single location against invaders, and the humans you defend end up being more than just ways to get points, but also members of your city. Saving humans lets them assimilate into the city and allow progression, but the Sentient invaders can abduct and destroy your population. It’s a surprisingly deep mechanic that’s complemented by new power-ups like Super Boosts for your ship and automatic defenses for your city. Gameplay in Protector can be nail-bitingly tense as you dash to save your humans from being abducted, plowing through a seemingly endless stream of enemy ships. It’s a joyride, through and through.

Commando, on the other hand, is much different than anything else you’ve seen in Resogun. Instead of piloting a ship, you’re a single human on foot, defending the final settlement for the humans. While Resogun usually took cues from Defender, Commando mixes other arcade classics like Missile Command and Space Invaders. You must shoot down meteors and robots, all while keeping them away from your home. Your home has a health bar, so if it takes too many hits, game over. Your Commando is also extremely vulnerable, but thanks to some beefy upgrades and a nice Schwarzeneggerian accent, the mode is plenty fun. It’s not as fast-paced as Protector, but it’s equally tense, especially if you decide to play it in cooperative or competitive multiplayer. Commando is a twisted spin from vanilla Resogun, changing things up considerably while providing all the action of arcade legends.

These modes are really all that Resogun Defenders has in store. Aside from trophy and leaderboard support, the two new modes are all you get. But unlike the last DLC pack, Resogun Heroes, these new modes don’t feel nearly as stale. Demolition in Heroes didn’t have the energy of classic Resogun, but both modes in Defenders are chock full of action. Defenders feels more like an arcade game, drenched in exhilaration and filled to the brim with white-knuckle panic to reach that high score. At $5, Defenders is a steal, building upon its already rock-solid framework with new modes that not only feel fresh, but stay true to the code of arcade energy.

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Resogun might have been released on PS3 and Vita, but thanks to the PS4 version’s absolutely beautiful 60 frames per second, there’s no contest. The PS4 version is still the best way to experience Resogun. The presentation in Resogun Defenders is just as pristine. When you’re playing Protector mode, you won’t ever see the game drop below a marvelous 60fps, even where there are dozens of enemies on screen. The game is pure eye candy, especially when you activate Overdrive. Commando is a more sedentary mode, so you won’t get as much of a rush, but Resogun Defenders is still a visual gem, keeping the energy going without a trace of technical infidelity. The soundtrack is still electronic wonder, with catchy techno tunes and the hypnotic voice telling you to “save the last humans.” Add the “Ah-nold” accent of Commando and the presentation of Resogun Defenders is still as technically resilient as the vanilla game back in 2013.

Closing Comments:

Resogun Defenders is an intelligent extension of the Resogun formula. The Protector mode is shockingly robust, mixing small micromanagement elements with a fully alive arcade spirit. It’s a rush and could possibly be the best mode released yet. Commando is a far cry from the space flight of Resogun as it’s a more controlled mode, but one that’ll keep you saying “one more game” as your high score climbs even higher. Resogun remains a glorious arcade success and the Defenders DLC is by far the best downloadable content for the game yet. Resogun Defenders is adrenaline in its most concentrated form and a fitting send-off to one of the best arcade experiences to ever hit a console, current-gen or otherwise.

Version Reviewed: PlayStation 4

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