Fairytale Fights Walkthrough

Fairytale Fights Walkthrough

Fairytale Fights cheats, Achievements, and Codes for Xbox 360. Make sure to only submit this page if you are writing a guide/walkthrough to unlock Achievements. These should include.

(The images file name is in your url box) And then press the Menu button (the 3 lines I like to call the start button) and saveimage as will be an option.Once you save images, they are saved on the Xbox. Edge of space images. Maybe things have changed since this was posted, but all you have to do is open the image you want to save directly.

Death in this dangerous world is fairly common, either thanks to clusters of enemies, series of fiendish, bladed traps or, annoyingly regularly, falling from the edge of the environment. Penalties for expiration are suitably light, however - lives are infinite and death really only means a reduction of your stock of treasure and fame. Even when dying becomes frustratingly commonplace thanks to the slidey controls (left stick manouevres, right stick attacks), it's never a rage-quitting affair unless you're particularly anal about stockpiling gold and gems.

Combat itself is pretty straightforward. Stabs of the right stick mean an attack in whichever direction your character is facing, and simple combos can be constructed with a little timing. These attacks are reliant on relative direction of movement to the enemy, and juggle combos are unleashed by striking upwards, launching enemies skyward in a gruesomely charming take on Devil May Cry's aerial shenanigans. Staying airborne means you'll deal a lot of damage to your selected foe with no chance of response, as well as staying out of the reach of earthbound enemies. Whatever the scenario, holding the analogue in a direction charges your next attack, useful for clearing crowds if you can squeeze it in.

There's also a rudimentary blocking system. It's immediate and initially satisfying, but feels like it could lack the depth to really hold water for long sessions. Character models are small, meaning that exactly what you're doing is often obscured in a frenzy of red mist. Thankfully, this has little bearing on success - wild flagellation is usually enough of a strategy to survive all but the most intense encounters. The action also tends to be neatly parcelled into discrete waves, giving time to take a breather, gather collectibles from cadavers and chests and gird your deranged loins before continuing.

It's all good, messy fun - strategy and planning are swept aside to make ample room for the simple pleasures of bashing and chopping. Cutting swathes through crowds of even the most basic enemies is a satisfying experience, and the Carpenter-zoom power-kills are amusing even if they do obscure a disproportionate percentage of the playing field. There are many nods to influences, both tacit (Castle Crashers, any number of side-scrolling ass-kickers) and implied (one particular boss, a giant beaver, is a definite homage to Gears of War 2's lake monster), and the characters the game lifts from actual fairytales are easily recognised and strangely consistent given their distorted nature and the variety of their origins.

Recent whack-'em-ups have trended towards the mindless and dreadful standards of execrable movie tie-ins like the two Watchmen games rather than the acquired-yet-inspired taste of Castle Crashers, so there's no doubt that Fairytale Fights could be a refreshing take on what was once a vastly over-populated genre. But there's a feeling that there might be a little too much recycling going on here, platforming and beat-'em-up clichés reskinned for a blood-thirsty and ironically knowing audience. With the game due out in a month's time, we'll soon find out whether it all lives happily ever after.

Fairytale Fights is due out for PS3 and Xbox 360 on 23rd October.

Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

Undermountain: Level One (South)
Undermountain: Level One (South)
There are frenzied harpies and an evil nymph in this chamber.
2 - BOMB MAKER'S SANCTUMFairytale Fights Walkthrough
A fairy that creates skeleton bombs lives here. Having a high Search skill makes it easier to find this room. You have to go through two secret doors (marked as 'S') to get here. Killing the bomb maker is recommended before you head to the lever puzzle room, because you won't have to deal with skeleton bombs while you're solving the puzzle.
I have to admit, it took me a while to figure out this lever puzzle. Basically, what you have to do is 'use' a statue until it is facing the locked door (you'll know because it will zap it with energy). When the statue is in the right position, you have to quickly pull the lever beside it so it will stay there. Once you've managed to do this for all three, they'll destroy the door and you can go into the room. There are some pretty good rewards in the chest, including an enchanted greatsword and a helmet that raises your dexterity by one and allows you to cast haste twice a day.
The malevolent grigs in this room will wake up some zombie protectors to fight you.
The fight with the fairy queen is easier than the one with the ogre mage. Again, you can pump her for information before killing her or letting her go. The keg of alchemist's fire that you need to blast the caved-in stairway in the ogre mage's chamber is in the room behind this one. You get 2000 xp for blasting the cave in, so you should do it, even if you already solved the lever puzzle.

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