My Candy Love Nathaniel

My Candy Love Nathaniel

Jul 03, 2012  My Candy Love Walkthroughs April 25, 2014: I have decided to cut down on images. The images aren't the main point of this blog, plus there are tons of issues with loading, and hosting. Nath addict Random thoughts about Nathaniel and My Candy Love in general. I am Sammyjo on the French forum and I am in charge of Nath's Fan-club:).

Shining force neo secrets


Blue means the same.
Red means down.
Look for the ' * ' next to the option, that's the one I chose and continued with.
First Encounter {The Love of Ken's Life Scenario}
Nathaniel: Hi, so what's new? Is everything working out for you?
*A.) Yeah, everything's fine. Except for the fact that I just ran into those three pests who still have some grudge against me and aren't afraid to show it.*
Nathaniel: Pests? Who are you talking about?
*A.) They're always together, and Amber, the blond girl mentioned you. In any case, they are real idiots the three of them.*
B.) They're always together, and Amber, the blond girl mentioned you. In any case, it's clear she's the worst of the three, and I think she likes you, so be warned.
C.) Those three girls, especially Amber.. She's a real #@=?!!!
Nathaniel: Amber is my sister you know.. I know she can be difficult at times, especially when she's with her friends, but still..
*A.) (Close the discussion)*
First Encounter {Mustache Photo Scenario}
Nathaniel: Hi, so what's new? Is everything working out for you?
*B.) Could I ask you why my picture for my file is scribbled on and plastered all over school?*
C.) There is a group of little girls here that are really starting to get on my nerves!
Nathaniel: What?! I don't know what to say..
*A.) Look at this picture! They put it up everywhere, it's so embarrassing!*
Nathaniel: Listen, I'm sorry. I don't know how anyone got a hold of your picture.
A.) You're not a very good student body president!
B.) .. Was it you?
*C.) Can't you do anything? Dish out some punishment to those who did it!*
Nathaniel: Well I don't have the authority to discipline students, only the administration and the teachers can do that. So I can't do anything to the people who did this. But I can see how one might think it might be my fault. I'll take the pictures down for you, ok?
*A.) Ok thanks.. I'm sure it was those three pests that did it.*
Nathaniel: What pests?
*A.) They're always together, and Amber, the blond girl mentioned you. All three of them are total idiots.*
B.) They're always together, and Amber, the blond girl mentioned you. In any case, it's clear she's the worst of the three, and I think she likes you, so be warned.
C.) Those three girls, especially that Amber.. She's a real #@=?!!!
Nathaniel: Amber's my sister you know.. I know she can be difficult at times, especially when she's with her friends, but still.. And you can't blame people without proof.
*A.) (Close the discussion)*
Nathaniel: {Name}?
*A.) Ah, Nathaniel,*
Nathaniel: Do you need something?
A.) The principal said someone needed to help out with the gardening club. Can you send someone please?
*B.) Do you know anyone in the gardening club?{+6}*
C.) Can you show me where the gardening club is?
Nathaniel: Well, I have to admit that I don't spend much time at the clubs, I don't know much about them, sorry..
A.) (Insist) {-2}
*B.) (Don't insist)*

Second Encounter {Basketball Club Scenario}
Nathaniel: {Name}?
*A.) Ah, Nathaniel,*
Nathaniel: Do you need something?
A.) The principal said someone needed to help out with the basketball club. Can you send someone please?
*B.) Do you know anyone in the basketball club?{+6}*
C.) Can you show me where the basketball club is?
Nathaniel: Well, I have to admit that I don't spend much time at the clubs, I don't know much about them, sorry..
A.) (Insist) {-2}
*B.) (Don't insist)*
*A.) (Put the fig tree here.)*

B.) (Put the mimosa flowers here.) {-14}
*A.) That looks nice.*
Nathaniel: Hey, what are you doing?
*A.) (Is he angry?) I.. I'm supposed to put the plants here and in the classroom. They're for the gardening club.*
Nathaniel: And what did you put in here?
*A.) This fig tree. I think it looks nice here, is there a problem?*
Nathaniel: .. Ah, I was afraid you were putting a plant with pollen in here, or something like that. I'm totally allergic, and I would already be sneezing by now.
*A.) Oh, I hadn't thought about that.. {+17}*
>Nathaniel: Nah, don't worry, a green plant like that is fine. It will even brighten up the place.
*A.) Ok, good thing.*
Third Encounter {Basketball Club Scenario}
*A.) Nathaniel, have you seen any basketballs around here?*
Nathaniel: No, why? You have to find the club's basketballs, right?
A.) Yes, I'm having a hard time finding them, it's a pain.
*B.) Yes, I'm looking for them.. It's something to do at least. {6}*
C.) Humpf!.. Yeah, I've been looking everywhere but I can't find them..
Nathaniel: Yes, plus it shouldn't take too long, good luck.
*A.) (Close the discussion)*
Fourth Encounter
Nathaniel: Ah I'm glad you're here. I was heading for the courtyard. Can you do me a favor?
A.) No, I don't think so. {-5}
*B.) Yes, of course. {+6}*
C.) What kind of favor? {+2}
Nathaniel: Thank you very much, I have an absentee note that Castiel needs to sign, and frankly the less I see of him, the better. Can you get him to sign it and bring it back to me please?
A.) Isn't that your job? But ok, I guess if I'm supposed to be at the service of the student body president.. {-5}
B.) Ok, no problem.
*C.) Castiel?.. He's not easy to get along with, but I'll try my best.. {+6}*
Nathaniel: You don't know how right you are. It's nice of you to do this for me, thanks.
*A.) But wait a minute, why does he have to sign the absentee note? Arn't his parents supposed to do that?*
Nathaniel: Yes, normally, but Castiel is legally independent. Because his parents travel a lot for their work, he has to take care of himself, even for administrative stuff.
*A.) Oh, I see. I didn't know.*
{Do not hand Ken the Absentee Note or Nathaniel's Meter will go down by 18 points}
Fifth Encounter
Nathaniel: Have you seen him? Is it ok for the note?
*A.) Yes and no. He doesn't want to sign your note.*
Nathaniel: He's as stubborn as a mule, you have to insist a bit more and he'll sign.
A.) Ok, I'll try again..
B.) Humpf! You talk of a favor.. {-10}
*C.) Yeeaah.. But that guy gets on my nerves {+6}*
Nathaniel: Trust me, I understand.. If you could just try again.
*A.) (Close the discussion)*
Fifth Encounter
Nathaniel: So?
A.) So.. He said if you were a man, you'd go ask him yourself.
*B.) 'Come and ask me yourself if you're a man!' (imitate Castiel's voice) {+6}*
C.) Your a guy, you're the student body president, go ask him yourself! {-5}
Nathaniel: Huh?.. Oh! That's what he told you! Well, you can tell him a man accepts his responsibilities. That means signing that note.
*A.) (That's what I think, but..) I understand, I'll try again..*
Fifth Encounter {Did make Castiel Sign}
Nathaniel:Did you get it this time?
*A.) Yes, I finally got him to sign it. Here's your note. (Give him signed absentee note back to Nathaniel.) {+22}*
Nathaniel: Really? That's great, I'm impressed! You really helped me out there. Thank you very much.
*A.) No problem!*
Fifth Encounter {Did Not make Castiel Sign}
Nathaniel:Did you get it this time?
*A.) Not really, here's your note, he doesn't want to sign it and I'm not going to force him. You take it up with him if you want. (Give the unsigned absentee note back to Nathaniel) {-18}*
Nathaniel: I won't bother thanking you for your help! Even if I'm not that surprised, you're obviously both the same.. Give me back the note, I'll do it on my own, as usual.
*A.) I think that would be better.*
Date Encounter
*A.) (Phew.. I can finally go home.)*
(I was about to leave but I heard Nathaniel's and Castiel's voices.)
'Accept your responsibilities you..'
'Yeah, I'll accept my responsibilities and show you what happens when you make me angry, you'll see!'
*A.) (Ah, they're at the end of the hall!)*
(Pic of them fighting.)
*A.) (Stand up for Nathaniel.)*
B.) (Stand up for Castiel.)
{I will be picking Castiel but you will only get the Date Picture if Castiel's Meter is higher than Nathaniel's.}
*A.) Nathaniel stop! It's pointless, he's too stubborn anyway!*
(I tried to break them up, but Castiel pushed me away and told me to mind my own business).
*A.) (See The Illustration)*
(I finally got Nathaniel out of there, and Castiel left. We talked some before we each went home.)
Nathaniel Episode 2 Illustration and Outfit

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My Candy Love Nathaniel
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