Infinity Wars Ending

Infinity Wars Ending

Joe and Anthony Russo may be among the very few people who weren't surprised by the ending of Avengers: Infinity War — since, you know, they directed the damn thing.

But they were caught off guard by the way all of us reacted to their film.

Infinity war explained

By the end of “Avengers: Infinity War,” things are going really badly in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the arrival of Thanos (Josh Brolin), just. Also Read: 'Avengers: Infinity War' - That Crazy Ending Was Part of Doctor Strange's Plan. It also seems like Gamora and the Soul Stone have a much bigger role to play in “Avengers 4.” In the.

'We were shocked that people responded as dramatically as they did,' Joe told Mashable at a recent press day in Los Angeles. 'We knew that it was going to be a risible ending. We just didn't know that it was going to cause so much emotional trauma for people.'

Which may be hard to believe — what did they think was going to happen after they dusted Spider-Man, Black Panther, Groot, Bucky, etc. in one fell swoop?

But while the Russos knew the Infinity War ending was a sad one, they couldn't have known exactly how the fans would take it.

'I think it's hard to predict, when you make subversive choices, what kind of impact they're going to have,' Joe mused. 'Because they become part of the communal cultural conversation, and you never know what the drivers for that conversation are going to be.'

SEE ALSO: Avengers cast reads a kid-friendly version of the brutal 'Infinity War' ending

All that said, the filmmakers, who are back to complete the saga with Avengers: Endgame, say they felt confident about that shocking Infinity War finale — because, Joe says, 'What's the point of making the movie if you're not going to make strong choices with the narrative?'

Plus, he points out, Marvel has been trending this way since their first film for the studio, Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

'I think every movie that we've made with Marvel has gotten increasingly subversive,' he said. 'I think that elevator scene in Winter Soldier [which the Russos directed] can be looked at as a turning point for the Marvel universe. It’s when everything started turning to shades of gray, and where the good guys became the villains.'

Their next Marvel project, Captain America: Civil War, saw the heroes get 'divorced,' and the one after that, Infinity War, killed off 50% of our faves. Homesick chords.

'We've been making deconstructionist choices all along, and those are what excite us, and that's why we continue to make the movies,' he said.

The deed is finally done. After this weekend, the Marvel Cinematic Universe will never be the same. At long last, Avengers: Infinity War is out, and the movie has upended everything fans know about the Avengers and more. The climatic movie ushers in the climax of the MCU, and its final moments have a lot to unpack.

So, if you have questions about the ending of Avengers: Infinity War, it is time to put your thinking caps on. ComicBook is breaking down the biggest questions the film leaves behind and pointing out some of the hidden details you may have missed.

So, this is our obligatory spoilers warning. If you have not seen Avengers: Infinity War yet, do not read below this paragraph. Major spoilers for the film lie below! We repeat: MAJOR spoilers for the movie lie below. You’ve been warned.

Are you ready to break down the ending now? The fate of the MCU rests on the secrets left behind in Avengers: Infinity War, and it is time for fans to figure out how Marvel Studios is planning on bringing its epic climax to a close.

What did you think of the film's ending? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!

Sadly, Avengers: Infinity War looks like it definitely killed some people who will actually stay dead - like, for real. As you may have noticed, the movie has two kinds of deaths: Characters either died for real before Thanos snapped his all-mighty Infinity Gauntlet or were turned to ashes after the Mad Titan completed the relic. For those killed prior to the gauntlet’s completion, their chances of revival are slim to none.

If that is the case, then Asgard has half the population it did at the end of Thor: Ragnarok. Loki and Heimdall are likely gone for good, and The Collector surely died when Thanos came to get the Reality Stone. Gamora and Vision are also on that list as the Guardian was killed when Thanos sacrificed her to collect the Soul Stone, and Vision was offed when the Mind Stone was ripped from him. Still, there is a way these two heroes could make a surprise return, and it is all thanks to an Infinity Stone and Shuri.

Slide 2/7 – Who Could Come Back

It is a common joke, but few people in comics actually stay dead. The MCU is fond of last-minute resurrections, and there is very good chance Avengers 4 will pull a Dragon Ball Z when it comes to reviving dead heroes.

As mentioned earlier, there are two kinds of death in Avengers: Infinity War, and one of them was being snapped out of existence. Half of humanity was wiped thanks to such a snap, and fans watched as the following were turned to ash:

  • Bucky Barnes
    Sam Wilson
    Wanda Maximoff
    Black Panther
    Doctor Strange
    Nick Fury
    Maria Hill

Clearly, Marvel Studios was not afraid to kill off some heroes, but there is no reason these casualties must stay that way. After all, Thanos did find himself in a strange world after he snapped the gauntlet, and the mysterious place was cast in an orange glow and seemed rather peaceful. It was there he ran into a young version of Gamora, and readers are already wondering whether that dimension could be the Soulworld.

Comic fans will know why the Soulworld is a key part to this whole revival equation. The world is a pocket dimension within the Soul Stone that holds all of the souls the stone takes. All of those reaped reside within the stone and live peacefully, allowing them to exist as if frozen in time. In the comics, characters like Adam Warlock are able to visit the dimension at will, but the MCU could make some tweaks to do a mass revival is need be.

Clearly, fans have questions about Vision and Gamora. The two characters are major names in the MCU, and audiences are having trouble believing they are truly dead. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the pair may have a way to come back to life.

When it comes to Gamora, the key to her resurrection may lie with the Soul Stone. If Thanos did truly visit the Soulworld at the film’s end, then it was Gamora’s soul he saw. The MCU may find a way to tap into the Soulworld to revive those killed by the snap, and that would likely include Gamora since she was the life sacrificed to unlock the stone in the first place.

As for Vision, his life may be spared by Shuri. The Wakandan princess was not able to remove the stone from Vision safely, but she did snag that file she was using during Vision’s surgery before the Black Order attacked. Shuri may not have saved Vision’s body, but she might have preserved enough of his mind to store in another body, and Hank Pym did put together a new Vision in the comics a long time ago. So, if we see a black-and-white Vision in Avengers 4, do not be too surprised.

Slide 4/7 – Who Is Still Alive

Being left behind is not easy, but that is what a handful of the Avengers must endure now. The movie left a select few of its heroes alive, and fans can only assume that some off-screen characters made it through the snap in one piece too. You can check out that list below:

Captain America, Rocket, Thor, Okoye, Black Widow, Iron Patriot / Rhodey, Tony Stark, Nebula, Hawkeye (presumed), Ant-Man (presumed), Wasp (presumed), Captain Marvel (presumed)

The fate of the last four heroes is not guaranteed, but there is evidence pointing to their survival. All four actors occupying these roles have been photographed filming with the surviving cast. Also, the movie’s post-credits teaser about Captain Marvel seems to indicate that Carol Danver was called in by Fury to help before he was turned got snapped, so it would be a letdown if she were actually dead.

Doctor Strange is a smart guy, but fans were left stunned by his deal with Thanos at the movie’s end. Audiences watched as the Sorcerer exchanged the Time Stone for Tony Stark’s life, a fact that boggled Iron Man's mind. The move ultimately allowed Thanos to complete his gauntlet as he used the Time Stone to take the Mind Stone from Vision, but Doctor Strange appeared to be at peace with his choice. He told Tony there was no other way before he was snapped, but there is something important fans need to remember about his cryptic message.

Remember when Doctor Strange looked into all those future timelines to see how the group could win against Thanos? The hero said there was only one in which they won, and that one might require Tony to live. So, if Doctor Strange really wanted to protect everyone long term, then his short-term sacrifice would be worth it.

Slide 6/7 – Captain Marvel’s Comeback

It’s finally happening. Next year, Captain Marvel will make her grand debut, and fans expect to learn a lot about the heroine when she does. Avengers: Infinity War ended with Fury using a modified pager to summon Captain Marvel, and her arrival will be a welcome one to Earth’s survivors.

So far, fans know little about what Carol Danvers can do, but the team at Marvel Studios has said she will be the MCU’s most powerful hero yet.

The million-dollar question fans have right now has to do with the MCU’s future. Avengers: Infinity War ends with Earth’s despaired stragglers sat in a desolate Wakanda while Thanos smiles over a sunrise. The man has reached his goal despite its terrible cost, but the Avengers are not ready to back down just yet.

Clearly, the MCU has diverged from the 'Infinity Gauntlet' arc seen in the comics, but fans can take some hints from the run. In the comics, Thanos is defeated when he projects his consciousness into an astral form much like Doctor Strange does. He begins watching over the universe as its self-entitled god, but Nebula manages to find him and take the Gauntlet from his despondent body. She chooses to heal herself with it and run away after banishing Thanos, but things get weird afterwards.

After being banished, Thanos comes into contact with Doctor Strange who explains he studied Thanos’ soul within the Soulworld for a short time. The sorcerer says Thanos was destined to lose control of the stones because he felt unworthy of their power, and Thanos chooses to help the heroes retrieve the gauntlet from Nebula before trying to kill himself.


Of course, there is no telling whether the MCU will try to redeem Thanos, but this latest Avengers film did try to paint him as someone who wanted to be merciful. Thanos could easily wind up losing the gauntlet to Nebula once she and Tony Stark reunite with the villain, but then there is the issue of reviving everyone who was snapped. For one, the gauntlet looked worse for wear after Thanos snapped, leaving fans unsure if the device can even be used to kill or revive anyone. And, if those snapped are truly in the Soulworld, then there are only a few ways those souls could be saved.

Right now, there is no consensus on how the Soulworld may be breached, but there are plenty of theories. One suggests that the revivals could happen given a proper sacrifice, giving the MCU an easy out to kill long-standing Avengers like Captain America or Iron Man. Another theory questions whether Ant-Man and the Wasp could infiltrate the Soulworld after tinkering with Pym particles, but Captain Marvel might also have special insight into the pocket dimension. And, if Marvel Studios wanted to throw everyone for a loop, then Adam Warlock might introduce himself in Avengers 4 to become the Soulworld’s ruler.

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