Liero Hellhole

Liero Hellhole


Title:LierolibreType:Linux Game
Category:Arcade ➤ Platformer ➤ Shooter ➤ Liero & WormsCommercial:
Tags:Arcade; Shooter; Casual; Action Platformer; Worms; Tactical; Grappling Hook; Level Editor; Cute; Cartoon; Classic; Funny; PvP; Local Multi; ControllerDemo:
Released:Latest : 0.5 / Dev : Ae584b24Package Name:lierolibre
Date:2017-08-10Extern Repo:
License:BSD-2-Clause & (WTFPL, LGPLv2.1+, Zlib, BSL-1.0)Deb Repo:Debian
View:Third personPackage:
Graphic:2D Side-scrollingBinary:
Played:Single & MultiPDA:
Quality (record):Quality (game):
Contrib.:Goupil & LouisID:11755

Donald Trump said this while discussing Muslim assimilation in Europe. 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it's like living in a hellhole right now,' Trump continued. The greatest archive of Liero levels, mods, TCs, weapon plugins and other things. Liero for DOS, Windows and OS X. Reviews, coupons, analysis, whois, global ranking and traffic for Learn more about Is a scam or a fraud? Coupon for


[fr]:Un fork de Liero 1.35b débarrassé de son contenu non libre (au sens de la FSF), permettant de l'inclure dans toutes les distributions libres. C'est un jeu orienté multijoueur (2 en hotseat, mais une IA 'without true intelligence' est aussi disponible) dans lequel les protagonistes dirigent tour à tour leur avatar dans un combat sans merci pour la domination - s'appuyant sur tout un arsenal d'armes, dans des décors destructibles.[en]:A project to liberate Liero from all its proprietary components and to allow it to be distributed completely freely. “lierolibre” is a fork of Liero 1.35b, and features a new nonproprietary sound pack. It sounds a bit funky but plays exactly the same way. Perfect for Richard Stallman and the likes of him. It is also easier to mod.


Website & videos
[Homepage][Dev site][Features/About][Screenshots][Videostggggggg][WIKI][FAQ][RSS][Changelog 12]
Commercial : (empty)
• [Liero Hell Hole (Liero levels, mods, TCs and other things)][Liga Liero (The experts resource of Liero content) [pl]]
Technical informations
[Open Hub][The official Liero FAQ]
Devs (Lierolibre Team[fr][en]) : [Site][Forums][twitter][YouTube][Interview 12]
Game : [Blog][Forums][twitter][YouTube]
On other sites
[Wikipedia (Liero) [fr][en]]
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Description [fr]

Un fork de Liero 1.35b débarrassé de son contenu non libre, par la Lierolibre Team.
Lierolibre est un fork de Liero 1.35b débarrassé de son contenu non libre (au sens de la FSF), permettant de l'inclure dans toutes les distributions mettant l'accent sur le libre.
Liero 1.33, Liero 1.35b et Lierolibre partagent le même site - né de la collaboration (intelligente) de leurs auteurs respectifs.
Liero est un jeu orienté multijoueur (2 en hotseat, mais une IA 'without true intelligence' est aussi disponible) dans lequel les protagonistes dirigent tour à tour leur avatar dans un combat sans merci pour la domination - s'appuyant sur tout un arsenal d'armes, dans des décors destructibles.
Historique et présentation des projets :
Liero 1.33 (version Windows uniquement) :
Ace of spades champagne price. Conçu et créé en 1998, Liero est devenu l'une des pierres angulaires du jeu pixélisé. Entre 1999 et 2005, la communauté florissante de Liero a conçue de surprenantes cartes, mods et éditeurs pour améliorer son expérience de jeu.
Souffrant de certaines limitations, Liero a perdu en popularité au fil du temps. Il est à présent devenu un jeu légendaire pour les vétérans d'internet.
Il ne fonctionnait que sur Windows 98 (ou plus ancien), ne disposait pas de mode jeu en réseau et comportait certains bogues.
Liero 1.35b & OpenLiero (dans le Bottin) :
OpenLiero fit surface en 2007, repoussant certaines des limitations de son mentor. Respectant le gameplay original, la version 1.35b est à présent devenue la nouvelle version officielle de LIero depuis 1999. De nombreux bogues ont été corrigés, et de nouvelles fonctionnalités sont apparues (tel que l'enregistrement 'vidéo').
Avantage : il fonctionne sur la plupart des OS et corrige les bogues de son prédécesseur.
Inconvénients : il ne dispose toujours pas de mode de jeu en LAN, et fait appel à un certain nombre de ressources non libres, ne permettant pas de l'intégrer dans les dépôts classiques de certaines distributions Linux.
Lierolibre (dans le Bottin) :
Un fork de Liero 1.35b débarrassé de son contenu non libre (au sens de la FSF), permettant de l'inclure dans toutes les distributions mettant l'accent sur le libre.
Joosa Reikkinen, also known as Mets„nEl„imet created the original Liero
game and graphics.
Erik Lindroos 'Gliptic', with help from Mario Carbajal 'basro', re-created
Liero as OpenLiero, which later became the official version of Liero.
Martin Erik Werner 'arand' created lierolibre as a direct fork from Liero
'sea' created the replacement sounds used in lierolibre.

Description [en]

A project to liberate Liero from all its proprietary components and to allow it to be distributed completely freely. “lierolibre” is a fork of Liero 1.35b, and features a new nonproprietary sound pack. It sounds a bit funky but plays exactly the same way. Perfect for Richard Stallman and the likes of him. It is also easier to mod.
Liero 1.33 :
Concieved and created in 1998 Liero became one of the cornerstones of pixelated gaming. Between 1999 and 2005 the thriving Liero community created astounding maps, mods and editors to enhance the experience. Suffering from technical limitations, Liero fell from popularity over time. It is now a legendary game among the internet veterans.
• Maximum nostalgia
• Some bugs
• Needs Win98 or older to run
• No network play
Liero 1.36
Originating in the one of the many cloning projects, OpenLiero surfaced in 2007, patching the original Liero limitations. 100% true to the original gameplay these are the first new official versions of Liero since 1999. Several known bugs are fixed, a several modernising features such as replay recording are added.
• Perfect clone of 1.33
• Bugs fixed
• New features
• Works on almost any OS
• No network play
A project to liberate Liero from all its proprietary components and to allow it to be distributed completely freely. “lierolibre” is a fork of Liero 1.35b, and features a new nonproprietary sound pack. It sounds a bit funky but plays exactly the same way. Perfect for Richard Stallman and the likes of him. It is also easier to mod.
• True to original gameplay
• Different sound pack
• No proprietary content
• Works on almost any OS
• No network play
Liero is a simple game. Pick your five weapons, and unleash your inner fury. The game is always played one versus one on a map of your choice, and yes, you have to play with someone who is right next to you.
To shoot is of course easy enough to figure out, but if you want to step up your game, you need to figure out things like how to swing yourself to safety with the ninja rope, to use timed weapons for area denial, to hunt without being hunted, to ambush, hit and run, and control that darn guided missile.
If you can do all these things, you may one day become a true champion, as the players in this video attempt.

Arcane the armor collector 2 game


☑ 2 worms, 40 weapons, great playability, two game modes: Kill'em All and Game of Tag, plus AI-players without true intelligence!
☑ Dat nostalgia
☑ Extensions via a hidden F1 menu
• Replays
• Game controller support
• Powerlevel palettes
☑ Ability to write game variables to plain text files
☑ Ability to load game variables from both EXE and plain text files
☑ New freely licensed audio
☑ Scripts to extract and repack graphics, sounds and levels

Installation [fr]

Liero Hellhole

To switch between different window sizes, use F6, F7 and F8, to switch to
fullscreen, use F5 or Alt+Enter.

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Liero Hellhole
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